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Can I Refuse Field Sobriety Tests?

Refusing a DUI Test in Prescott, Arizona: What You Need to Know

Arizona‘s implied consent law provides that anyone lawfully arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence is presumed to have consented to a blood, breath, or urine test. If one fails to submit or not expressly consent, there are severe repercussions, including license suspension. The following is an overview of the implied consent laws in Arizona, what happens if you refuse to take a chemical test, and how to protect your driving privileges in Prescott and throughout the state.


Understanding Implied Consent in Arizona

Definition: According to A.R.S. § 28-1321, in Arizona, drivers are considered to consent to a chemical test of their blood, breath, or urine if lawfully arrested on suspicion of DUI.
Scope: This 
is applicable for motorists stopped by police officers with probable cause to suspect impairment, provided there was no malicious intent during the arrest.
If you refuse to submit to a chemical test, you are required to immediately surrender your drivers license. The arresting officer will then prepare a report that will automatically suspend your license for at least 12 months for first-time offenders.

Consequences of Refusing a Chemical Test

First-Time Refusal
License Suspension
You will face a 12-month suspension of your driving privileges.
Temporary Driving Permit: You
 will be given a 15-day temporary permit. You will have a short period to drive legally while you contemplate your legal options.
Ignition Interlock: You must serve at least 90 consecutive days of suspension before you 
may request an ignition interlock license.

Second Refusal Within Seven Years
License Suspension
You will face a 24-month suspension, two years, of your driving privileges.
Heavier Penalties: 
Second and subsequent refusals are considered habitual and hence attract heavier penalties.

What Happens After Refusal?

  1. Immediate License SurrenderYou

    will be asked to immediately surrender your drivers license to the arresting officer.
    You are given a temporary driving permit that is valid for only 15 days.

       2. Suspension Begins

        You have 15 days in which you can request a hearing to challenge the suspension.
        If you fail to request a hearing, the suspension becomes final.

        3. Administrative Hearing

The hearing determines whether the officer had reasonable cause to believe DUI.
may argue matters like the legality of the arrest, your knowledge of the refusal consequences and results of tests.

         4. Disposition

         Withdrawn: If the hearing officer decides in your favor, then the suspension is withdrawn
         Sustained: Otherwise, the suspension remains, and you will have to serve it entirely

Was Refusing a Good Idea?

Refusal of a chemical test has several consequences:

Evidence in Court
can argue that refusal is indicative of guilt-that you refused to take the test because you were intoxicated.

License Suspension
One certainty with refusal is the suspension, which may be shorter than the suspension one faces after being convicted of DUI, but nonetheless burdensome.

Risk of Conviction
Refusal does not
necessarily mean you will not be convicted. Other evidence can be used against you, such as officer observations, field sobriety tests, or open container laws.
This is sometimes less destructive than having positive high BAC, but its a risk. If you refuse to take a chemical test, you will need to have aggressive legal representation to fight any resulting charges effectively.

Protect Your Rights in Prescott, Arizona
If you’ve been arrested for DUI or are considering refusing a chemical test, timely legal assistance can make all the difference. An experienced attorney can:
-Review the Arrest Details: Investigate whether the officer had proper cause.
-Challenge the Suspension: File a request for a hearing and contest the automatic suspension within 15 days.
-Build a Defense Strategy: Ensure your constitutional rights were respected and work to minimize penalties.

Contact an Experienced DUI Defense Attorney
Being stopped for a DUI in Prescott is stressful, especially considering whether to refuse a blood, breath, or urine test. You dont have to go through all these difficulties on your ownA qualified DUI lawyer will be able to guide you through Arizonas implied consent laws, defend you against severe punishments, and protect your driving privileges.

Act now:

Call today to a trusted DUI defense attorney immediately to protect your rights.
Request a hearing to 
contest the automatic suspension within 15 days of your arrest.
Be proactive in 
knowing all of your options to best advocate your case.

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